Verslag op van de ruimte van Wilson Benesch
tijdens High End München 2015. De Endeavour behoorde tot een van de
zeven beste speakers die hij hoorde op de show. Need we say more…?
tijdens High End München 2015. De Endeavour behoorde tot een van de
zeven beste speakers die hij hoorde op de show. Need we say more…?
“The system sounded like a pair of full-range floorstanders expertly installed in a good listening room. Although I know that Trinnov’s processing had a lot to do with it, I must also credit these fine loudspeakers themselves. There was no hole in the audioband, as happens with poorly integrated subs and satellites. The Endeavours, for their parts, sounded dimensional and lithe, providing just the right amount of weight when that was part of the music. Their imaging was precise, and the entire system had an eminently listenable quality that many systems at High End didn’t — not relaxed, just not fatiguing. The Endeavour’s visual design and build quality also deserves comment — its tasteful mix of aluminum and carbon fiber is up there with the best. My takeaway: WB’s Geometry Endeavour is a speaker I want to hear more from. It was
the most ambitious stand-mount at High End 2015.”
the most ambitious stand-mount at High End 2015.”
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